
展览预告·台北 | "我的2019"毛旭辉个展

索卡艺术 2021-09-26


“My 2019” Mao Xuhui Solo Exhibition

展览时间 Date: 2020/01/11(Sat.)-2020/02/22 (Sat.)

开幕 Reception 2020/01/15(Wed.) 7-9pm 

开幕之夜 X FICOFI 艺术微醺派对

索卡艺术·台北 台北市中山区堤顶大道二段350号

SOKA ART · Taipei 

No.350, Sec. 2, Tiding Blvd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei

“净地”充满逃离现实的渴望;蜷伏在地的“聆听”或“沉思”更多地是在传达来自生命深处的敬畏和感动,渴望回到生命的原初,回到力量的本源,然而现实的束缚比我们想像的更牢固。— 毛旭辉

“Pure Land” is full of desires to break free from reality; curling up on the ground as one “listens” or “contemplates,” furthermore, expresses that venerating heartfelt sentiment, longing to return to the origin of life and rejoin the innate source of power. However, the drag of being trapped in reality is more real than we thought.  - Mao Xuhui

可以葬身之地·西双版纳的光 Buriable Ground-The Light of Xishuangbanna
布面丙烯 Acrylic on Canvas 
180x150cm, 2014-2019.06


Since the large retrospective exhibition at Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts in 2017, Soka Art will simultaneously launch “My 2019 - Mao Xuhui Solo Exhibition”during the 2020 Taipei Dangdai. The exhibition begins from January 11thto February, six weeks in total.

圭山蓝调 Guishan Blues
布面丙烯油画 Oil and Acrylic on Canvas 
180x150cm, 2013-2019.06

2019年的毛旭辉重返人体的形象刻画,以个人最原始的存在为出发,透过看似平凡简约却蕴含力量的人体,传递对生命、自然与音乐最真切的虔敬与感悟。在此邀请您前来欣赏毛旭辉的新作,希冀能带领您回到生命的原初,回到力量的本源。索卡也将于1月15日台北当代开展前夕,与国际顶级葡萄酒俱乐部Le Club FICOFI盛大举办一场艺术微醺派对,诚挚邀请您一同共襄盛举。派对将于7点开始,需凭台北当代VIP卡入场,名额有限请提前预约,期待您的莅临参与。

Mao Xuhui returned to the depiction of human figure in 2019. Setting out from the most primitive individual existence, he intends to convey the earnest veneration and realization of life, nature, and music through the seemingly ordinary and simple human body with introverted and restrained strength. We sincerely invited you to come and enjoy Mao Xuhui’s new series, hoping to lead you to return to the origin of life and rejoin the innate source of power. On January 15th, the day before the opening of Taipei Dangdai, Soka Art will jointly present a wonderful feast of art and wine with a renowned international wine club, Le Club FICOFI. We sincerely invite you to participate in this artistic feast. The party will start at 7 pm. Taipei Dangdai VIP Card is required for entry to the event. RSVP in advance. We look forward to your participation.

双靠背椅-秋季 Double High-backed Chair-Autumn
布面丙烯 Acrylic on Canvas 
119x180cm, 2019.10


For a long time, Mao Xuhui has made a name for himself for giving souls to the depicted objects. However, in recent years, his art has gradually returned to the symbolic style in exploring and depicting the human body. Mao Xuhui believes that “shape” is the most essential existence in artistic creation, and only through tangible forms, we can feel the intangible force. To convey this heartfelt veneration from the depth of life, as well as this inexpressible revelation towards music, he extracted the essence of the human body from modern sculptors Auguste Rodin and Aristide Maillol. He finally found the image of the human body to best resemble his soul.

致敬肖斯塔科维奇 Dedicated to Shostakovich
布面丙烯 Acrylic on Canvas 
142x142cm, 2019.08


The work, Dedicated to Shostakovich, is to pay tributes to the mastery of classical music. Shostakovich’s magnificent symphony is the lasting light that shines on Mao’s path of creativity, supporting his perseverance in seeking high artistic standards and quality. He offers the highest praise and most profound respect to music with the human body kneeling on the ground listening. Living in a troubled world, he longed for a slice of pure land capable of transcending restriction, returning us to the origin of life to rejoin the source of power. The two figures reappeared in Pure Land No. 2in a kneeling posture, further intensifies its religious appeal and the soul-transcending state, leading the audience to the faraway place beyond the mundane which Mao is longing for.

净地No.2 Pure Land No.2
布面丙烯 Acrylic on Canvas 
142x142cm, 2019.08

· 更多参展图片

暮色 Dusk
布面丙烯 Acrylic on Canvas 
160x202cm, 2019.07

双靠背椅-老祖宗 Double High-backed Chair-Ancestors
布面丙烯 Acrylic on Canvas 
150x180cm, 2014-2019.08

净地No.1 Pure Land No.1
布面丙烯 Acrylic on Canvas 
120x133cm, 2019.08

收藏 Collection
纸本水墨 Ink on Paper
48x77.5cm, 2019.02.03

星空 Starry Sky
纸本水墨 Ink on Paper
43.5x74cm, 2018.11

· 关于艺术家 About Artist

1956生于重庆,1982  毕业于云南艺术学院油画专业,现为云南大学艺术与设计学院美术系第二工作室教授。现生活与工作于云南。

Mao Xuhui
1956  Born in Chongqing
1982  Graduated from the Oil Painting Department of the Yunnan Academy of Fine Arts, Kunming
Professor at the School of Art and Design in Yunnan University
Now Lives and Works in Yunnan




北京 Beijing
北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路2号798艺术区8502信箱 100015
798 Art District, No.2 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing P.O. Box 8502 100015
目前因场地升级而暂时关闭 Currently closed

台北 Taipei
台北市中山区堤顶大道二段350号 10462
No. 350, Sec. 2, Tiding Blvd., Zhongshan District, Taipei, Taiwan, 10462
开放时间 Opening hours:10:00-19:00 (周一公休 Closed on Monday)

台南 Tainan
No.446, Qing Ping Road,An Ping District Tainan, Taiwan, 70842
开放时间 Opening hours:10:00-19:00(周一公休 Closed on Monday)


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