
索卡台南 | 饭田桐子《想像的异域》|展览介绍

Soka Art 索卡艺术 2022-08-01

索卡台南 | 饭田桐子《想像的异域》|展览介绍



离尘 8/14 将展出来自北海道的超人气艺术家-饭田桐子 IIDA Kiriko 的作品。 神秘的异域-北海道是少数民族爱努人居住的自由天地,2020 Tokyo Olympics 东京奥运闭幕影片中的序曲是来自北海道的爱努民族(Ainu)传统古 式舞蹈,爱努人相信:“自然界中每一件东西都有自己的意义和目的。” (’Everything has a divine purpose.’)借由奥运舞台,以舞蹈与音乐将古老的 智慧展示给世界。

Soka Art Innermost will exhibit the works of IIDA Kiriko, a popular artist from Hokkaido, on 8/14. Mysterious foreign land-Hokkaido is a place of freedom inhabited by Japan's Indigenous people, Ainu. The beginning of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics Closing film is the traditional ancient dance of the Ainu people from Hokkaido. The Ainu people believe: 'Everything has a divine purpose.' Through the Olympic stage, ancient wisdom is shown to the world through dance and music.

点击边框调出视频工具条爱努人面对广大白雪覆盖的土地,尝试征服蛮荒之地,拥有一种探索未知的开 拓者精神。生存于原始森林,围绕着动物,爱努人崇尚自然、相信万物皆有 灵。然而敬畏自然、与大地共生的爱努人文化如今却逐渐消逝,成为失落的历史。

Ainu people face the vast snow-covered land and try to conquer the wildland, possessing a pioneering spirit of exploring the unknown. Living in the virgin forest and surrounded by animals, the Ainu people admire nature and believe that everything has a soul. However, the Ainu culture, which respects nature and lives in symbiosis with the earth, has gradually disappeared, becoming a lost history.

黑色翅膀 Black Wings

油彩 / 畫布 Oil on Canvas

91 x 91 cm


箱庭之鳥1 Bird of the Miniature Garden 1

油彩 / 畫布 Oil on Canvas



饭田桐子借由画作再次带我们回到古老国度的想像中,饭田擅于描绘深邃的眼 睛,眼神表现出强烈与深切的情感。这种无以名状的情感就是来自于人与人、 人与动物、人与北海道古老的自然环境之间的关系。饭田的作品与想像表达了 人们内心的欲求,内心的真实。潜藏在人物底下的是逐渐被世人遗忘的能量, 虽古老,却是未来新的可能。

Iida Kiriko brings us back to the imagination of the ancient country through her paintings. Iida is good at depicting deep eyes, and his eyes express strong and deep emotions. This indescribable emotion comes from the relationship between humans, humans and animals, humans and the ancient natural environment of Hokkaido. Iida's works and imagination express people's inner desires and inner truth. Hidden beneath the characters is the energy that is gradually forgotten by the world. Although old, it is a new possibility in the future.  

往冬天之森 To the Winter Forest

油彩 / 畫布 Oil on Canvas

91 x 116.7 cm


藍色森林之夜 The Night of Blue Forest

油彩 / 畫布 Oil on Canvas

30 x 30 cm




'Imagination from Exotic Field' - Exhibition of Iida Kiriko


地点|索卡艺术 离尘空间|台南市东区府东街21巷2号

营业时间|周三至周日 10:00-18:00







北京 Beijing
北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路2号798艺术区707街 信箱 100015798 Art District, No.2 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing P.O. Box 707 street 100015开放时间 Opening hours:10:00-18:30 (周一公休 Closed on Monday)T/86-10-5978-4808F/86-10-5978-4810E/infosokaart@126.com
台北 Taipei台北市中山区堤顶大道二段350号 10462No. 350, Sec. 2, Tiding Blvd., Zhongshan District, Taipei, Taiwan, 10462开放时间 Opening hours:10:00-19:00 (周日一公休 Closed on Sun.&Mon.)T/+886-2-2533-9658F/+886-2-2533-9660E/info@soka-art.com.tw
台南 Tainan台南市安平区庆平路446号70842No.446, Qing Ping Road,An Ping District Tainan, Taiwan, 70842开放时间 Opening hours:10:00-19:00(周日一公休 Closed on Sun.&Mon.)T/+886-6-297-3957F/+886-6-297-3907E/sokaart.tn@gmail.com
台南 离尘 Tainan Innermost台南市东区府东街21巷2号No.2, Lane 21, Fudong Street, East District 开放时间 Opening hours:10:00-18:00(周一二公休 Closed on Mon.&Tue.)T/+886-6-238-0029E/sokaartinnermost@gmail.com

