
Legislative Updates (1.31-2.6) | 法宝双语新闻

北大法宝 2021-11-10

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1. 最高检明确疫情防控期间刑事案件办理指导意见
SPP Issues Opinions to Guide the Handling of Criminal Cases During the Period of Epidemic Prevention and Control

SPC Enforcement Bureau Issues Notice to Cope with Epidemic


State Council Issues Notice to Regulate Production and Management of Epidemic Prevention and Control Supplies


MHRSS Releases Notice Regarding Labor Relationship Issues During Epidemic Prevention and Control Period


Notice Issued Regarding Cooperation with Epidemic Prevention and Control and Strengthened Service Guarantee for the Housing Provident Fund of Central Government Agencies


6. 《关于进一步强化金融支持防控新型冠状病毒感染肺炎疫情的通知》发布
Notice Issued to Redouble Financial Support for Preventing and Controlling the Outbreak of Novel Coronavirus-Related Pneumonia


1. 最高检明确疫情防控期间刑事案件办理指导意见

SPP Issues Opinions to Guide the Handling of Criminal Cases During the Period of Epidemic Prevention and Control


On January 30, the Supreme People's Procuratorate (SPP) issued the Guiding Opinions on Issues Concerning the Handling of Criminal Cases During the Period of Prevention and Control of Novel Coronavirus-Related Pneumonia.

《意见》指出,在疫情防控期间应以案卷书面审查为主要方式,尽量不采取当面方式讯问犯罪嫌疑人、询问证人等诉讼参与人以及听取辩护律师意见等,可以采取电话或者视频等方式进行 ,以减少人员流动、聚集、见面交谈。

The Opinions require that during the period of epidemic prevention and control, the method of reviewing case files and other documents be primarily used and face-to-face interrogation of criminal suspects, interview with witnesses and other litigation participants, and listening to defense lawyers’ opinions be avoided as much as possible. These activities may be conducted by telephone, video, and other means in order to reduce the movement, gathering, and face-to-face conversation of persons.


The Opinions also require that procuratorial authorities across the country strengthen their communication and coordination with public security authorities and establish mechanisms as soon as possible for handling cases during the epidemic prevention period. If the detained criminal suspects are not to be interrogated, documents may be served on the criminal suspects to obtain their statements in writing through the procuratorial departments of criminal enforcement or jails, and after the criminal suspects complete and sign the documents, the documents should be timely returned, reviewed, and added to case files.


SPC Enforcement Bureau Issues Notice to Cope with Epidemic


On January 31, 2020, the Supreme People’s Court (SPC) issued the Notice of Matters Concerning Enforcement Work During the Period of the Prevention and Control of the Outbreak of Novel Coronavirus-Related Pneumonia, effective from the date of issuance.


This Notice requires that people's life safety and physical health be given top priority.  Courts at all levels should minimize their centralized enforcement activities and case handling outside courthouses. If it is necessary to carry out centralized enforcement or handle cases outside courthouses, courts should make adequate and efficient preparedness plans based on the changes of the epidemic to ensure the safety of the debtors and court officers during the course of enforcement. Enforcement measures involving disease control-related enterprises and personnel, such as property investigation and control, should be suspended in principle. During the period of epidemic prevention and control, courts at all levels should cautiously take detention measures against the debtors under enforcement or relevant persons. If detention is necessary, the epidemic prevention requirements of detention centers should be complied when detainees are transferred to them. If detention centers explicitly inform the enforcement courts that they cannot receive detainees due to the epidemic, the enforcement courts should remove the detention measures after confirming that the debtors under enforcement or relevant persons show no infection symptoms. If any courts suspend or postpone the related enforcement measures or matters due to epidemic prevention and control or fighting the outbreak, they should extend relevant time limits in a timely manner in accordance with laws and judicial interpretations.



State Council Issues Notice to Regulate Production and Management of Epidemic Prevention and Control Supplies


On January 29, the General Office of the State Council issued the Urgent Notice Regarding Effectively Organizing the Resumption of Operation and Production of Manufacturers and the Scheduling of Key Supplies for Epidemic Prevention and Control.


According to the Notice, the people's governments of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the central government must effectively fulfill their primary responsibilities, and promptly arrange for the local manufacturers of medical protective suits, N95 masks, medical goggles, negative pressure ambulances, and related drug products used for coping with the epidemic to resume operation and production.


The Notice specifies that the Supplies Guarantee Group of the State Council’s Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism for Countermeasures for the Epidemic of Novel Coronavirus-Related Pneumonia is responsible for the unified management and allocation of the above key medical emergency prevention and control supplies, and no local people's governments may withhold or transfer such supplies in any name. The Supplies Guarantee Group will send special in-house supervisors to key enterprises to oversee the unified allocation of supplies, help enterprises timely report their difficulties and problems, and cooperate with relevant departments in product quality supervision.



MHRSS Releases Notice Regarding Labor Relationship Issues During Epidemic Prevention and Control Period


On January 24, 2020, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security (MHRSS) issued the Notice Regarding Appropriately Addressing Labor Relationship Issues During the Period of the Prevention and Control of the Outbreak of Novel Coronavirus-Related Pneumonia, effective from the date of issuance.


According to the Notice, if any pneumonia patients or suspected patients infected with the novel coronavirus or persons in close contact with them, who are employees of enterprises, are unable to work during the period of quarantine treatment or the medical observation period or because of the quarantine measures or other emergency measures adopted by the government, the enterprises should pay wages to such employees during the period and should not rescind labor contracts with them under Articles 40 and 41 of the Labor Contract Law. During the period, if their labor contracts expire, they should continue to be effective until the end of such employees' medical treatment periods, medical observation periods, or quarantine periods or the end of the emergency measures adopted by the government.


The Notice also address issues such as enterprises’ operating difficulties caused by the epidemic and suspension of the time limit for applying for arbitration.



Notice Issued Regarding Cooperation with Epidemic Prevention and Control and Strengthened Service Guarantee for the Housing Provident Fund of Central Government Agencies

2020年2月3日, 中央国家机关住房资金管理中心发布《关于配合做好疫情防控工作加强中央国家机关住房公积金服务保障的通知》。

On February 3, 2020, the Housing Fund Management Center of Central Government Agencies issued the Notice of Cooperating with Epidemic Prevention and Control and Strengthening Service Guarantee for the Housing Provident Fund of Central Government Agencies.


The Notice focuses on three fronts to cooperate with epidemic prevention and control and strengthen service guarantee for the housing provident fund. First, more support is provided for personal housing loans using the housing provident fund. Credit policies appropriately favorable to frontline staff members in the prevention and control of the epidemic who apply for personal housing loans using the housing provident fund of central government agencies will be applied. If any frontline staff members in the prevention and control of the epidemic are unable to make repayment normally during the period of epidemic prevention and control, it is not deemed payment delinquency, and no penalty interest is collected. Second, a service green lane will be opened. All service points should proactively strengthen service connection with relevant hospitals, disease control centers, and medical research institutes. Under the principles of handling special affairs under special protocols and promptly handling urgent matters, relevant entities may handle housing provident fund affairs based on incomplete documentation or based on undertakings, and even provide doorstep services when necessary, to improve their service efficiency. The Notice also provides policy support to entities and employees affected by the epidemic. The novel coronavirus-related pneumonia is covered by the withdrawals from the housing provident fund for critical illness, and the patients may withdraw funds from the housing provident fund for medical expenses. Third, the overdue interest on loans will be reduced or waived. If any pneumonia patients or suspected patients infected with the novel coronavirus or persons in close contact with them are unable to make repayment normally during the period of quarantine treatment or the medical observation period or because of quarantine measures or other emergency measures adopted by governments, it is not deemed payment delinquency, and no penalty interest is collected. The affected entities will be supported in overcoming the epidemic.


6. 《关于进一步强化金融支持防控新型冠状病毒感染肺炎疫情的通知》发布

Notice Issued to Redouble Financial Support for Preventing and Controlling the Outbreak of Novel Coronavirus-Related Pneumonia


On January 31, 2020, the People’s Bank of China, the Ministry of Finance, the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, the China Securities Regulatory Commission, and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange jointly issued the Notice Regarding Redoubling Financial Support for Preventing and Controlling the Outbreak of Novel Coronavirus-Related Pneumonia.


According to this Notice, financial institutions should adopt credit policies appropriately favorable to persons hospitalized or quarantined due to infection with the novel coronavirus-related pneumonia, persons quarantined for observation as needed for the prevention and control of the epidemic, staff members participating in the prevention and control of the epidemic, and people who temporarily lose income due to the epidemic, as well as flexibly adjusting housing mortgage, credit card, and other personal loan repayment arrangements and reasonably deferring the time limits for repayment. The secured personal entrepreneurship loans granted to those infected with the novel coronavirus-related pneumonia should be renewed for another year, with continued fiscal interest discount support. Financial institutions should prioritize insurance clients who claim losses due to infection with the novel coronavirus-related pneumonia or as a result of the epidemic, appropriately enlarge coverage, and make full payments as required.


As specified in this Notice, the submission requirements for credit records regarding payment delinquency should be reasonably adjusted. If any persons hospitalized or quarantined due to infection with the novel coronavirus-related pneumonia, persons quarantined for observation as needed for the prevention and control of the epidemic, and staff members participating in the prevention and control of the epidemic fail to make repayment as scheduled due to the epidemic, the relevant overdue loans as recognized by the institutions connected to the system need not be reported as overdue, and adjustments should be made for such loans already reported. The credit records of individuals and enterprises which temporarily lose income due to the epidemic may be submitted based on the adjusted repayment arrangements.


本文来源 | 北大法律信息网





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