
万物有灵且美 | 刘毅

M艺术空间 MArtCenter 2023-06-22

刘毅  万物有灵且美

Liu Yi — Bright and Beautiful

策展人: 沈奇岚

Curator: Shen Qilan

开幕 Opening Time2022.10.1  15:00 - 18:30

展期 Duration:2022.10.1 - 12.3

( 周二 - 周六  Tuesday - Saturday  10:30 - 18:30 )

地址 Address:上海莫干山路50号2号楼1楼   

1F, Block.2, 50 Moganshan Road, Shanghai



收藏级微喷 Archival Pigment Print, 200x94cm, 2021


By 沈奇岚









“There is another world and it is in this one. ”

― Paul Éluard

收藏级微喷 Archival Pigment Print, 94x200cm, 2022

Bright and Beautiful
By Dr.SHEN Qilan

Enter a flower stamen, become a white cloud, and be a dumpling.

Artist Liu Yi enters the world of ten thousand things with a unique perspective and brushstroke, a contemporary world of spirituality.

As Paul Éluard's poem says, "There is another world, and it is in this one."

There is light in all things, what Liu Yi paints is not the appearance of things, but the feeling and memory of the moment, which the glow of things is vibrating inside of us.

What is amazing is Liu Yi's ability to keep himself amazed, he can always see and always be moved. He gathers and deepens the mind's attention, acutely entering the inside world of things. These works are the moments when mental feelings and visual images collide in the mind to take shape.

Creation relies on the mind, not the medium of creation. What Liu Yi discovers is the mystery contained in things themselves, the lively and passionate outside world and the quiet and profound another one. The world he portrays also allows a new movement and focus of our attention, bringing the unnoticed back into focus and reopening the things we take for granted.

His works offer a confidence that as we sail along with our unpredictable destiny, we are still accompanied by all bright and beautiful things. Flowers, vegetables, giant mountains, white and soft clouds, sunsets, birds...... Both the dumplings and the sun can be slightly larger than the entire universe, vast and free.

All things have walked toward me, flowed through me, and gradually become me.




Liu Yi

IPA国际公共艺术协会研究员。上海市创意设计工作者协会理事。上海市美术家协会会员。61CREATIVE创办人。原上海视觉艺术学院公共艺术专业负责人、副教授。上海工艺美术职业学院产品设计学院外聘专家。集美大学美术与设计学院客座教授。德国驻上海总领事馆文化教育处《包豪斯课堂 2.0》课程导师。德国安哈尔特应用技术大学工作坊“历史遗产与公共艺术”导师。Future Lab艺术与设计创新未来教育博览会工作坊导师。
NOTCH北欧中国艺术节顾问。上海世博会世博中心雕塑执行设计负责人。上海艺术设计展邀请展“上海再设计”负责人。新天地“Lumiéres China 光影中国”灯光艺术节策展人。上海艺术设计展之“设计加油站”和“设计域动”策展人。上海种子Shanghai Project公共艺术项目研究员。上海市学生设计艺术大赛评委。《艺术植入医疗空间的专业育人模式实践于探索》荣获上海市级教学成果奖二等奖。德国BASF材料创新工作坊导师。日本npo S-AIR驻留受邀艺术家。复星艺术中心驻留艺术家。成都麓湖A4美术馆驻留艺术家。

Artist, Associate Professor, Public art curator
Liu Yi’s practice explores the relationships between body and space, spirits and materials, individual and public, presence and absence of culture. The unique style of combining classic figure with contemporary colors, presented in the daily digital drawing on his smart phone, has interpreted not only artist’s curiosity and mythological imagination of life, but also his personal memories and experiences. The drawings, which seemed like children’s doodling, have shared overwhelming empathy with the audiences since the works reflected vivid life experiences. Meanwhile, Liu Yi has also taken his interest in creating narratives lying between digital media, materiality and subject. Thus, his artistic practice has taken place in both graphic and spatial ways based on daily life and social scenery.
Researcher of Institute for Public Art (IPA), director of Shanghai Designer Association. Member of Shanghai Artists Association. Liu Yi is the founder of 61CREATIVE studio. Former course leader for Public Art Department in Shanghai Institute of Visual Arts (SIVA). External experts of Product Design College of Shanghai Arts & Design Academy. Visiting professor of the School of Art and Design, Ji Mei University. ABTEILUNG KULTUR UND BILDUNG Generalkonsulat der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 《Bauhaus Class 2.0》mentor. Tutor of workshop "historical heritage and public art" of Anhalt University of Applied Technology, Germany. Tutor of future lab art and Design Innovation future Education Expo workshop.
Consultant of NOTCH Nordic and China Art Festival and executive curator of "Shanghai: Re-design" of Design Shanghai. Executive curator of "Shanghai: Re-design" of Design Shanghai. Curator of "Lumiéres China" XINTIANDI Light Festival. Curator of "Design Fuelling Station" and "Local Design Beat" in Shanghai Art & Design. Shanghai Project public art project researcher. Shanghai student design art competition judges.
"Art implanted medical space professional education model practice in exploration" won the Second Prize of Shanghai-level Teaching Achievement Award. Germany BASF Material innovation workshop mentor. 2018 Japan npo S-AIR resident invited artist. Fosun Foundation resident invited artist. Chengdu A4 ART MUSEM resident invited artist.



Shen Qilan


沈奇岚关注艺术和哲学的对话,与国内外艺术机构策划有多个富有国际影响力的展览和论坛项目,包括《时间的裂缝》《A.R.Penck: 暗喻会否成真?》《包豪斯课堂》《暗蚀》《重整|德国艺术立场》《中国骄傲——把当代作为方法》、《追忆似水年华——生命中的所有寻找》、《贾蔼力:莽原》、上海双年展国际论坛“回环”系列,“我们的未来The Futures”系列国际论坛等。她也担任了《蓬皮杜现代艺术大师展》、《艺术家此在》等展览的顾问。2020年,她担任集美·阿尔勒国际摄影季发现奖提名人与策展人。她为多家国际艺术媒体和国际艺术机构撰写专栏和画册文章,包括Financial Times中文网、《信睿周报》、《生活》月刊、凤凰艺术、Noblesse、Artnet、上海博物馆、意大利乌菲齐美术馆、澳大利亚当代艺术馆、意大利Skira出版社等机构。2021年六月起,沈奇岚与ELLE合作了富有影响力的艺术音频节目《艺术治愈生活》。

Dr. Shen Qilan is curator of this exhibition.
Shen Qilan is an art critic, curator, writer and cultural scholar, receiving her Ph.D.in philosophy from the University of Münster, Germany. She is guest professor of East China Normal University. She was the editorial director of Art World magazine. She is also an editorial board member of Book Town magazine.
Dr. Shen has curated several internationally influential exhibitions and forums with domestic and international art institutions, including: "Aura of Poetry"; "A.R. Penck: Will Sign become Reality?"; "Bauhaus Class"; "Masterpieces from the Centre Pompidou 1906-1977"; "Eingedunkelt"; "Sightings: Positions of Art from Germany"; "China Pride-Contemporary as Method"; the international forum "Detour" series for the 12th Shanghai Biennale; Cultural dialogue series "The FutureS", etc. she is curator for Jimei Arles International photo festival in 2020.
She contributes columns and catalog essays for international art media and institutions, including: Financial Times Chinese website, The Thinker Weekly, ifeng Art, Noblesse, Artnet, Shanghai Museum, Uffizi Museum, Museum of Contemporary Art Australian, Skira publishing house, etc.



M Art Center | M艺术空间
+86 21 62996610
1F, Building 2, 50 Moganshan Road, Shanghai, 200060

