
蒙古国举办2021年世界新闻自由日线上研讨会,倡导 “将信息视为公共产品”

BEJ/CI 联合国教科文组织 2022-04-28

蒙古国举办2021年世界新闻自由日线上研讨会,倡导 “将信息视为公共产品”

(English version below)






Figure 1 联合国教科文组织驻华代表处主任夏泽翰教授致开幕词




联合国驻蒙古国协调员Tapan Mishra先生在讲话中着重强调,“实事求是和公正的媒体和新闻报道在抗击疫情、促进包容、提高对气候变化的认识以及可持续发展议程方面具有重要意义”。

Figure 2 联合国驻蒙古国协调员Tapan Mishra先生讲话


欧盟驻蒙古国使团临时代办Marco Ferri先生重申了欧盟捍卫其境内和全球范围内新闻和媒体自由的决心。

Figure 3 欧盟驻蒙古国使团临时代办Marco Ferri先生讲话


联合国教科文组织蒙古国全国委员会秘书长Uyanga Sukhbaatar女士对蒙古国在新闻自由和人权发展领域取得的进展表示了认可,并对此次会议为蒙古国媒体环境所作贡献表示期待。蒙古国在2021全球新闻自由指数排名中上升5名。

Figure 4 联合国教科文组织蒙古国全国委员会秘书长Uyanga Sukhbaatar女士讲话


全球国际中心董事会主席Naranjargal Khashkhuu女士在讲话中突出,政府在新闻自由发展中起到重要作用,特别是在加强媒体专业性、提高官方信息和数据公开性、促进媒体多样性、监测评估以及确保相关法律充分实施、保障公民知情权等方面。

Figure 5 全球国际中心董事会主席Naranjargal Khashkhuu女士做主旨发言






  • 更多有关2021年世界新闻自由日的信息,请访问:


  • 更多有关联合国教科文组织在新闻自由领域的工作,请访问:



2021 World Press Freedom Day Online Discussion held in Mongolia to Advocate “Information as a Public Good”


On 3 May 2021, UNESCO organized an online discussion in Mongolia, under the theme of “Information as a Public Good”. The Discussion was held asa celebratory event for the World Press Freedom Day and to mark the 30th anniversary of the Windhoek Declaration, which paved the way for the development of press freedom internationally.


The Discussion was attended by 34 experts and speakers from relevant stakeholders in the area of press freedom and media development in Mongolia, including the United Nations, the European Union, the Mongolian National Commission for UNESCO, the Globe International Center (GIC), the Mongolian Center for Investigative Reporters, and the Press Institute of Mongolia.


Professor Shahbaz Khan, Director of UNESCO Beijing Cluster Office and UNESCO representative to China, DPRK, Japan, Mongolia, and ROK attended the Discussion and delivered opening remarks. In his remarks, Professor Khan underlined three major challenges in the changed communication ecosystem, which have been particularly amplified amid the COVID-19 crisis, and the corresponding measures that need to be put in place, namely the need to develop media viability, reinforce the transparency of online platforms, and strengthen media and information literacy capacities among citizens.


Professor Khan further called on all stakeholders to work together, in affirming the importance of cherishing information as a public good, exploring what can be done in the production, distribution and reception of content to strengthen journalism, and advancing transparency and empowerment while leaving no one behind. “The notion of ‘Information as A Public Good’ is of urgent relevance to all countries across the world.” He emphasized.


Mr. Tapan Mishra, United Nations Resident Coordinator in Mongolia highlighted in his speech “the importance of having factual and impartial media and journalism in countering the pandemic, promoting inclusion, awareness-raising about climate change, and the wider Sustainable Development agenda”.


Mr. Marco Ferri, Chargé d’Affaires a.i. of the European Union to Mongolia reaffirmed the EU’s determination to defend press and media freedom within its borders and worldwide.


Ms. Uyanga Sukhbaatar, Secretary-General of the Mongolian National Commission for UNESCO acknowledged the progress that Mongolia has made in press freedom and human rights development, which has brought the country up by 5 places in the 2021 World PressFreedom Index, and expressed her expectations for the Discussion tocontribution to the larger Mongolian media landscape.


Ms. Naranjargal Khashkhuu, Chair of the Board of GIC, emphasized the crucial role that the Government plays in strengthening the professional role of media, increasing the availability of official information and data, promoting media diversity, reviewing and monitoring, and making sure laws are implemented properly toensure citizens’ rights to information.


In response to the challenges identified, the discussion was centered around steps to work towards a free, independent, and pluralistic media and information environment, through ensuring media viability, platform transparency, and media and information literacy.


UNESCO, as the lead UN agency with a specific mandate to foster freedom of expression, including press freedom and freedom of information, continuously work to ensure press freedom on all platforms, through facilitating dialogue and exchange, stakeholder engagement, cooperation, advocacy, capacity-building, and policy recommendations.


  • For more information on World Press Freedom Day 2021, please visit: 


  • For more information about UNESCO's work on press freedom, please visit: 


