
新书速递 | 《中国世界遗产能力建设手册》系列(内附下载链接)

BEJ/DIR 联合国教科文组织 2023-02-23


(English version below)

今年10月,联合国教科文组织驻华代表处发布了《中国世界遗产能力建设手册》(以下简称《手册》)系列出版物。《手册》共分为六册,是联合国教科文组织 - 中国青少年发展基金会梅赛德斯-奔驰星愿基金《中国世界遗产地保护和管理》项目三期(2017-2021)框架下的主要成果之一。《手册》立足于权威机构和专家的学术研究,凝聚了世界遗产地、非物质文化遗产传承人和当地社区多年试点活动积累下的经验和案例,在中国语境下提供了关于有效管理和利用文化和遗产以促进可持续社会经济和环境发展的前沿知识和优秀实践。































当前,包括2030年《可持续发展议程》和中国十三五、十四五发展规划在内的国际国内发展议程都愈发重视文化活化利用对社会经济可持续发展的促进作用。为此,联合国教科文组织自2017 年起,联动国际国内发展议程和机构使命,以可持续生计为载体、中德文化交流为窗口,就遗产地保护和发展协同进行了一系列探索。


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Launch of the China World Heritage Capacity Building Manuals

In October, UNESCO Beijing Office launched the China World Heritage Capacity Building Manuals (abbrev. Manuals) publication series. The Manuals consist of 6 volumes, and are key outputs of the UNESCO - China Youth Development Foundation Mercedes-Benz Star Fund “Conservation and Management of World Heritage Sites in China” project within the framework of its third phase from 2017 to 2021. Building upon solid research by leading institutions and experts, and on years of experience accumulated from pilot activities in collaboration with World Heritage sites, intangible cultural heritage bearers and local communities, this publication series provides up-to-date knowledge and good practices in the context of China on how to effectively manage and utilise culture and heritage for sustainable socio-economic and environmental development.

China is home to abundant and spectacular heritage resources. With the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in 2015, the international community acknowledged the power of culture for creating decent work and economic growth, reducing inequalities, protecting the environment, and building peaceful and inclusive societies. Thus, China’s experience and good practices in conserving heritage and managing culture-related sectors serve as valuable sources of reference. All stakeholders, including governments, media, culture experts and practitioners, local communities, and civil society, require enhanced capacities in understanding the enabling role of culture and heritage in sustainable development, as well as how to respond to challenges and develop innovative solutions to mobilise the power of culture and heritage for the benefit of a more sustainable future for all.

Volume 1 : World Heritage Overview


Since the birth of the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage in 1972, its meanings and values have steadily evolved. Today, when we talk about World Heritage, it is no longer just about the tangible site and its conservation. In fact, World Heritage today is engaged in sustainable development issues such as indigenous rights, gender equality, human rights, peace, poverty, employment, tourism, diversity of cultural expression, climate change and much more.

This volume reviews the World Heritage system and its key concepts, achievements and challenges. It gives context to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the increasing synergies between the World Heritage Convention and UNESCO's other cultural conventions dealing with, for example, living heritage and the diversity of cultural expressions. This volume also shines a light on China's endeavors from "high-quantity inscription" to "high-quality conservation" since ratification of the Convention in 1985.


This volume encourages World Heritage site (as well as Tentative List site) managers, administrators, academic researchers and the general public to gain a systematic understanding of the meanings, missions and contributions of World Heritage in the new global environment viewed from a much broader perspective.

Volume 2 : World Heritage Value Research and Nomination


Outstanding Universal Value is the prerequisite of World Heritage nomination. With the growing number of inscribed properties, now well over 1000, UNESCO's World Heritage Committee launched the Global Strategy for a Representative, Balanced and Credible World Heritage List to improve the balance in the type of inscribed properties and in the geographical areas of the world that were represented.


This volume highlights the importance of value research on top of systematic review of the procedures and methods of heritage nomination. Through complex and representative case studies of the nominations of The Grand Canal, Silk Roads, Kulangsu, Tusi Sites, Archaeological Ruins of Liangzhu City, and Yin Xu, this Volume introduces methodologies of Outstanding Universal Value research.


This volume helps managers of Tentative List sites as well as those that are interested in heritage nomination gain a better understanding of the process and methods of nomination, and gain capacity in elaborating the Outstanding Universal Value of the sites.  Case studies and analytical tools help to guide the value research of sites, to enhance China's heritage nomination, and to promote the conservation, management and interpretation of heritage sites in China.

Volume 3: Conservation, Management and Monitoring of Cultural World Heritage Sites in China


Until the end of 2020,  all cultural World Heritage administrations in China have designated department or entities to undertake heritage monitoring, and nearly 40% have established specialised department for monitoring.

Monitoring reflects the state of conservation of World Heritage sites, and the data accumulated through long-term monitoring provides timely precaution for heritage elements under threat. Through data analysis, professionals can develop evidence-based actions for better conservation and management practices, and making their work more targeted, comprehensive and efficient.

This volume introduces China's laws, regulations, systems and procedures for cultural World Heritage management, planning, monitoring, pre-warning and disaster risk mitigation. Case studies demonstrate different circumstances, and summarize frequently encountered questions around monitoring, disaster risk mitigation and conservation.

Volume 4: Conservation, Management and Monitoring of Natural World Heritage Sites in China


In the process of managing natural World Heritage sites and the natural components in mixed sites and cultural landscapes, there are many shared requirements and challenges. To provide effective guidance for the managers of these elements, this volume develops four thematic areas: natural heritage value identification and integrity conservation, natural heritage conservation assessment, natural heritage planning and management, and natural heritage monitoring.

Natural heritage managers will learn the requirements of the World Heritage Convention, on the situation and characteristics of natural heritage management in China, and solutions to typical issues in natural heritage conservation and management, also through case studies.

This volume strengthens understanding of international and domestic protocols and regulations and the issues and challenges that natural heritage faces, and to raise awareness on good practices around the world.

Volume 5: Sustainable Tourism Management at World Heritage Sites in China


With the booming popularity of World Heritage tourism, how to manage it efficiently and sustainably? World Heritage sites as tourism hotspots are experiencing unprecedented challenges such as environmental pressure, loss of local traditions and conflicts with local communities, and at the same time facing new opportunities in terms of promoting heritage values and the development of local cultural economies.


From the perspective of site managers, this book speaks to the need of effectively managing World Heritage tourism, so that it propels local economic, social, environmental and cultural sustainable development. It answers the following questions: How to responsibly develop tourism and fairly distribute benefits from tourism, while effectively disseminate heritage values? How to manage tourism stakeholders, including tourists, local communities and volunteers? How to manage scenic area interpretation, operation and environment protection?


Managers and professionals of World Heritage in China will appreciate the theories, practical cases and real-life solutions on sustainable tourism development and management that this book offers.

Volume 6: Heritage Conservation for Sustainable Development in China


Promoting synergies between conservation and development is a priority both within China and around the world. Being a country with a large number of World Heritage sites and Intangible Cultural Heritage elements, and the world's largest developing country undergoing accelerating urbanization, fast economic growth and social changes, China is dedicated to conservation and development and the related challenges of doing both well.

Culture's positive role in sustainable socio-economic development is evident in both the 2030 Agenda and China's 13th and 14th Five-Year Plans. Since 2017, UNESCO Beijing Office has been synergising global and domestic development agendas and UNESCO's mandate in culture. A series of unique pilot activities focusing on sustainable livelihoods in World Heritage sites, and a China-Germany cultural exchange on heritage conservation for sustainable development are underway.

This volume showcases international and domestic policies related to heritage conservation and sustainable development, and uses pilot cases to elaborate culture's potential in reducing poverty, promoting gender equality, economic growth and employment, resilience of World Heritage sites, and rural revitalization.

  • Click "read more" for all six volumes

