
活动预告 | 2023联合国世界数据论坛澳门卫星论坛

BEJ/DIR 联合国教科文组织 2024-03-30
活动预告 | 2023联合国世界数据论坛澳门卫星论坛
(English version below)



  • 数据与健康

  • 数字科技的监管困境

  • 数字身份、人工智能、共同福利

  • 数据与性别研究 

  • 数据化澳门:以算法看城市  

  • 数据,数字技术和以人为本的决策制定

  • 在计算机集体智慧中的信任机制建立

  • 危机中的数据政策

联合国副秘书长,联合国大学校长Dr.Tshilidzi Marwala(马瓦拉先生)已确认出席卫星论坛,届时将发表主旨演讲。同时,卫星会场将与杭州召开的主论坛会场最重要环节连线,由此助力澳门在国际上奠定大湾区乃至世界数据科技的中心地位。联合国驻华机构高级官员、多国驻华使团、外国政府官员,各高校学者专家,国际数据知名专家,各数据相关领域的科技企业、创新创业团体代表,将应邀出席本次卫星论坛,并参与多个主题讨论。希望借由此次盛会,分享各界嘉宾的国际视野和科研经验,为澳门及大湾区的数据领域发展带来蓬勃活力。






The UN World Data Forum Satellite Event to be Held in Macao

“Dealing with Data Dilemmas” is a full-day conference being held as a satellite event of the UN World Data Forum in Macao SAR, China on the 25th of April 2023.  This event, hosted by the United Nations University Institute in Macau (UNU Macau), co-organized with partners from Center for Data Science, University of Macau, and Faculty of Innovation Engineering, Macau University of Science and Technology, aims to discuss data dilemmas across a variety of themes and reflect on whether taking a human-centered systems approach can help solve these.

Conflicts between preventing harm and promoting health and human security using data and digital technologies have resulted in many data and digital technology dilemmas that span diverse topics and fields of work. For instance, data can be used in exploitative ways to identify and change opinions or manipulated for personal or political gain. This can result in misinformation and disinformation that reinforces false facts. Also, many people are suffering from adverse mental and physical health impacts resulting from digitally connected tools that collect and use data and advances in AI are threatening human freedom and augmenting these trends.  

On the other hand, data and digital technology development create new opportunities for people’s voices to be heard. Participatory modelling facilitated by digital technologies has the potential to be more inclusive, strengthen democratic decision-making processes (enabling citizen science), facilitate deliberations, and create opportunities for better governance by taking a systems approach and building collective intelligence. However, to put data and digital technologies to the best use for people and the environment, a range of dilemmas need to be identified and overcome. Digital technology development needs to be directed towards outcomes that are good for all, which requires attention to be focused on institutions and regulative frameworks.

A human-centered systems approach towards sustainable data and digital technology development is an attempt to address those dilemmas. It aims at developing and applying digital technologies for the good of humans, but not at any cost, in particular not at the costs of declining ecosystems and social systems. The systems approach views humans interconnected among themselves and with the biosphere, so that growth is not confused with genuine progress. The systems approach also creates new connections between people and decision makers. Digital technologies can help to accelerate developments towards common goals by reducing the time, costs and conflicts of finding consensus at scale, while computational social science methods can elicit and augment society’s collective values and intelligence. 

We are now calling for contributions that take a human-centered systems approach towards sustainable data and digital technology development. You may register online through this link below. The deadline for submissions (except Audience) is April 7.


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Call for contributions:



