

BEJ/DIR 联合国教科文组织 2023-03-21

(English version below)








  • 教育:对师生的创伤后支持。教科文组织将与乌克兰教育部合作,派遣社会医疗部门专业人员前往学校,并培训2万乌克兰教师和教育工作者,以帮助他们更好地识别创伤,并与儿童及其家人探讨有关问题,使学校成为更具韧性的机构。

  • 文化:保护和恢复《世界遗产名录》和《国别预备名录》中的遗产(当局可为其提交世界遗产申报材料)。教科文组织将与乌克兰文化部合作,修复4项此类遗产,包括基辅的佩乔尔斯克修道院;另有10处遗产地将配备应急准备方案,包括遗产的全面三维数字化。这些资金还将资助继续使用卫星监测系统和其他设备来保护文化建筑。约50名专业人员将接受紧急修复工作相关培训。

  • 新闻业:加强对新闻编辑室的支持。教科文组织将为记者提供心理支持和法律咨询,并为媒体专业人员提供更多关于如何在战区自保的培训课程。它还将向新闻编辑室提供设备,特别是发电机,以便他们能够继续开展工作,让公众知情。最后,教科文组织将支持摩尔多瓦、罗马尼亚和斯洛伐克的当地媒体用乌克兰语向身处这些国家的难民提供信息,并促进难民和东道国人口之间的理解。

With $16.1 million in additional funding, Japan boosts its support for UNESCO’s projects, particularly for Ukraine

Japan will make a contribution of almost $10 million to UNESCO to finance the Organization's emergency measures in Ukraine. This amount is made in addition to other contributions Japan decided this year to support UNESCO projects in many other countries.

The Emergency support Japan is providing to UNESCO within the 2022 yearly Supplementary Budget adopted by the Japanese National Diet on December 2nd reaches a record this year. The sum of nearly $16.1 million is to be invested in projects in Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Mozambique, Nigeria, Thailand and Yemen.

Most recently, Japan has agreed to donate almost $10 million to finance UNESCO's emergency measures in Ukraine and neighboring countries, in the fields of education, culture and the protection of journalists. This contribution makes Japan the leading partner in UNESCO’s Ukraine response.

"I thank Japan for its commitment to UNESCO, which touches on all areas of our mandate and benefits many parts of the world. Japan’s support has reached a record level this year: I see this as a strong testimony to the confidence in our Organization."

——Audrey Azoulay, 

UNESCO's Director General

The Director-General of UNESCO, and Ambassador Atsuyuki Oike, Permanent Delegate of Japan to UNESCO, signed this new agreement during a ceremony at the Organization's headquarters in Paris (France), on 31 January 2023.

From February, the funds will enable UNESCO to carry out the following projects:

  • Education: Mental health and psychosocial support for pupils, teachers parents and caregivers. In coordination with the Ukrainian Ministry of Education and Science, UNESCO will train 20,000 Ukrainian teachers, parents and caregivers to provide psychosocial interventions. 160,000 vulnerable learners will also be provided with psychosocial support in schools.

  • Culture: The protection and restoration of sites from the World Heritage List and the National Tentative List – for which the authorities may submit a World Heritage nomination. In coordination with the Ukrainian Ministry of Culture, four of these sites will be restored, including the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, and ten sites will be provided with an emergency preparedness plan, which will include their full digitization in 3D. These funds will also finance the continuation of the satellite monitoring system and the delivery of additional equipment to protect cultural buildings. About fifty professionals will be trained in urgent stabilization work.

  • Journalism: Enhanced support for newsrooms. UNESCO will provide psychological support and legal advice to journalists, and increase the number of training courses for media professionals on how to protect themselves in war zones. It will also deliver equipment to newsrooms, in particular electric generators, so they can continue their vital work to inform. Finally, UNESCO will support local media in Moldova, Romania and Slovakia to provide information in the Ukrainian language to refugees in these countries and promote understanding between refugees and host populations.

