
活动邀请 | 参加2023年丝绸之路青年之眼摄影大赛

BEJ/DIR 联合国教科文组织

(English version below)



Pyae Phyo Thet Paing / 联合国教科文组织丝绸之路青年之眼





  • 丝绸之路沿线宏伟的古城,包括其纪念性的城楼、寺庙、清真寺和宫殿;

  • 历史古迹和场所的内部建筑和设计

  • 丝绸之路沿线城市的建筑风格和图案,反映丝绸之路多元艺术交融;

  • 反映丝绸之路遗产的现代城市和建筑,比如高耸的摩天大楼和博物馆;

  • 城市化和建筑对丝绸之路沿线的人和社区的影响,比如从传统街区到现代城市的扩张;

  • 建筑和城市化在促进丝绸之路沿线可持续发展和文化遗产保护中的作用,以及对当地社区的影响。

参赛作品将通过由以下摄影师组成的国际评审委员会评分:GMB AKASH (孟加拉国), Fatimah Hossaini (阿富汗斯坦), 梁莉 (中国), Gulnara Samoilova (美国), Mustafa Seven (土耳其), Osama Silwadi (巴勒斯坦)。


  • 年龄组别: 14到17岁以及18到25岁 

  • 奖品:每个年龄组将有3位获奖者。第一名获奖者将获得专业相机。第二名获奖者将获得半专业相机,第三名获奖者将获得标准型数码相机。 


  • 主题: “建筑,古迹与城市化”

  • 具体参赛方式:请浏览此网页了解


  • 更多关于摄影比赛的信息:


  • 更多关于丝绸之路项目的信息:


  • 联系方式silkroadsphotocontest@unesco.org







Join the 2023 Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads Photo Contest

UNESCO calls on young people around the world, aged 14 to 25 years old, to pick up their cameras and send their best photos to the 5th edition of our Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads contest

Deadline: 31 July 2023 (by midnight, GMT +2)

The UNESCO Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads photo contest is part of the Organization’s Silk Roads Programme and Social and Human Sciences Sector. It promotes photography as a tool for encouraging cultural interaction, helping build mutual understanding, and promoting peace amongst the people living in the regions connected by the Silk Roads. 

This year, the themes are Architecture, Monuments, and Urbanism. Entries may focus on either of these, while concentrating on mutual influences shared by people along the Silk Roads. 

Photographers interested in exploring the theme of Architecture, Monuments, and Urbanism along the Silk Roads might capture the:

  • Grandeur of ancient and medieval cities along the Silk Roads, including their monumental citadels, temples, mosques, and palaces;

  • Internal architecture and designs of the historic monuments and places;

  • Mix of architectural styles and motifs found in the Silk Roads cities, reflects the diverse artistic influences across the region;

  • Modern cities and monuments that continue to reflect the legacy of the Silk Roads, such as towering skyscrapers and museums;

  • Impact of urbanism and architecture on the people and communities of the Silk Roads, from traditional neighbourhoods to modern urban sprawl;

  • Role of architecture and urbanism in promoting sustainable development and cultural heritage preservation along the Silk Roads, and its impact on local communities.

Photo entries will be examined by an International Selection Committee composed of the following photographers: GMB AKASH (Bangladesh), Fatimah Hossaini (Afghanistan), Liang Li (China), Gulnara Samoilova (USA), Mustafa Seven (Türkiye), and Osama Silwadi (Palestine).


Key Information:

  • Two Categories: 14 to 17 years old and 18 to 25 years old

  • PrizeThree winners in each age category will receive a professional camera. First place winners will receive a professional camera. Second place winners will receive a semi-professional camera. Third place winners will win a standard-model digital camera. 

In addition, around 60 of the best photos from the contest will appear in a professional photo album and will be showcased in an exhibition held in various locations around the world (subject to Covid-19 restrictions).

  • Themes: Architecture, Monuments, and Urbanism

  • For instructions on how to participate, please browse this webpage:


  • More information on the photo contest:


  • More information on the Silk Roads Programme:


  • Contact: silkroadsphotocontest@unesco.org



  • The Silk Roads in short

For thousands of years the Silk Roads have been an extensive network of trade and communication routes which have connected civilizations and brought peoples and cultures from across the world into contact with each other. As well as permitting the exchange of merchandise, they facilitated the interaction of ideas, cuisines, languages and fashions, shaping the modern cultures and identities of the contemporary world. The Silk Roads linked vast areas of the world - originating in East Asia, South Asia, and South-east Asia, then crossing Central Asia, the Russian steppe and Indian subcontinent, the Iranian and Anatolian plateaux, and the Arabian Peninsula. They also stretch through North and North-east Africa, from Tanzania to Morocco, before passing through Eastern and Southern Europe, reaching France and the Iberian Peninsula.


At a time when societies, as well as educational and cultural institutions continue to be disrupted, this contest provides an opportunity for young people to share their creativity and vision for a new and more inclusive world where tolerance and intercultural dialogue help people understand each other and live together in peace. In this context, UNESCO, through its many initiatives, is trying to support learning, access to knowledge and education, and to engage youth.


