

2017-10-21 iNature iNature

iNature:在植物学主流专刊中,主要有Plant Cell,Molecular Plant,Plant Journal,PLANT PHYSIOLOGY,NEW PHYTOLOGIST,Plant Biotech J,Plant Cell &Environ,Nature Plants等8种期刊。现在经过前期的测试,iNature决定每天遴选8大植物学主刊各1篇(福利版),共8篇文章,推送给大家,使大家能及时地了解植物学领域的动态:

 Plant Cell:台湾大学吴克强等发现HDA6与甲基转移酶SUVH4,SUVH5和SUVH6共同调节转座子沉默;

Nature Plants:中国农业大学ZuofengZhu等揭示非洲稻米驯化过程中单核苷酸多态性导致颗粒变小和种子破碎;

Molecular Plant:遗传所薛永彪等人发现肌动蛋白驱动花粉管的伸长;

Plant Journal:山东农业大学郝玉金等人发现MdMYB73涉及苹果酸蓄积和液泡酸化;

PLANT PHYSIOLOGY:遗传所焦雨玲使用转录组学的方法,鉴定了影响小麦spike结构的调控因子;

NEW PHYTOLOGIST:德国明斯特大学H€olzel等人揭示定量叶肉参数而不是全叶性状预测C3草原植物对干旱的响应;

Plant Biotech J:英国科伦坡大学Dunwell等人发表咖啡树的最新研究进展述的综述;

Plant Cell &Environ:德国乌尔姆大学Jansen等人揭示脉管直径与木本被子植物的轴向实质的数量和空间排列有关。

1Plant Cell:台湾大学吴克强等发现HDA6与甲基转移酶SUVH4,SUVH5和SUVH6共同调节转座子沉默


Histone deacetylases (HDACs) playimportant roles in regulating gene expression. In yeast and animals, HDACs actas components of multiprotein complexes that modulate transcription duringvarious biological processes. However, little is known about the interacting proteins of plant HDACs. To identify the plant HDAC complexes and interactingproteins, we developed an optimized workflow using immunopurification coupledto mass spectrometry-based proteomics in Arabidopsis thaliana. We found that thehistone deacetylase HDA6 can interact with the histone methyltransferases SUVH4 ,  SUVH5, and SUVH6  (SUVH4/5/6). Domain analysis revealed that the C-terminal regions of HDA6 and SUVH5 are importantfor their interaction. Furthermore, HDA6 interacts with SUVH4/5/6 and coregulatesa subset of transposons through histone H3K9 methylation and H3 deacetylation. In addition, two phosphorylated serine residues, S427 and S429, were unambiguously identified in the C-terminal region of HDA6. Phosphomimetics (amino acid substitutions that mimic a phosphorylated  protein) of HDA6 resultedin increased enzymatic activity, whereas the mutation of S427 to alanine in HDA6abolished its interaction with SUVH5 and SUVH6, suggesting that thephosphorylation of HDA6 is important for its activity and function.



2Nature Plants:中国农业大学ZuofengZhu等揭示非洲稻米驯化过程中单核苷酸多态性导致颗粒变小和种子破碎;


Grain size is one of the most importantcomponents of grain yield and selecting large seeds has been a main targetduring plant domestication. Surprisingly, the grain of African cultivated rice(Oryza glaberrima Steud.) typically is smaller than that of its progenitor,Oryza barthii. Here we report the cloning and characterization of aquantitative trait locus, GL4, controlling the grain length on chromosome 4 inAfrican rice, which regulates longitudinal cell elongation of the outer and innerglumes. Interestingly, GL4 also controls the seed shattering phenotype like itsorthologue SH4 gene in Asian rice. Our data show that a single-nucleotidepolymorphism (SNP) mutation in the GL4 gene resulted in a premature stop codon andled to small seeds and loss of seed shattering during African ricedomestication. These results provide new insights into diverse domesticationpractices in African rice, and also pave the way for enhancing crop yield tomeeting the challenge of cereal demand in West Africa.



3Molecular Plant:遗传所薛永彪等人发现肌动蛋白驱动花粉管的伸长;


Polarized tip growth is a fundamentalcellular process in many eukaryotes. In this study, we examined the dynamicrestructuring of the actin cytoskeleton and its relationship to vesicletransport during pollen tip growth in Arabidopsis. We found that actinfilaments originating from the apical membrane form a specialized structureconsisting of longitudinally aligned actin bundles at the cortex and innercytoplasmic filaments with a distinct distribution. Using actin-basedpharmacological treatments and genetic mutants in combination with FRAP(fluorescence recovery after photobleaching) technology to visualize thetransport of vesicles within the growth domain of pollen tubes, we demonstratedthat cortical actin filaments facilitate tip-ward vesicle transport. We alsodiscovered that the inner apical actin filaments prevent backward movement ofvesicles, thus ensuring that sufficient vesicles accumulate at the pollen tubetip to support the rapid growth of the pollen tube. The combinatorial effect ofcortical and internal apical actin filaments perfectly explains the generationof the inverted ‘‘V’’ cone-shaped vesicle distribution pattern at the pollen tubetip. When pollen tubes turn, apical actin filaments at the facing side undergo depolymerizationand repolymerization to reorient the apical actin structure toward the newgrowth direction. This actin restructuring precedes vesicle accumulation andchanges in tube morphology. Thus, our study provides new insights into thefunctional relationship between actin dynamics and vesicle transport duringrapid and directional pollen tube growth.



4Plant Journal:山东农业大学郝玉金等人发现MdMYB73涉及苹果酸蓄积和液泡酸化


Malate, the predominant organic acid inmany fruits, is a crucial component of the organoleptic quality of fruit,including taste and flavor. The genetic and environmental mechanisms affecting malatemetabolism in fruit cells have been studied extensively. However, thetranscriptional regulation of malate-metabolizing enzymes and vacuolartransporters remains poorly understood. Our previous studies demonstrated that MdMYB1modulates anthocyanin accumulation and vacuolar acidification by directlyactivating vacuolar transporters, including MdVHA-B1, MdVHA-E, MdVHP1 andMdtDT. Interestingly, we isolated and identified a MYB transcription factor,MdMYB73, a distant relative of MdMYB1 in this study. It was subsequently foundthat MdMYB73 protein bound directly to the promoters of MdALMT9(aluminum-activated malate transporter 9), MdVHA-A (vacuolar ATPase subunit A)and MdVHP1 (vacuolar pyrophosphatase 1), transcriptionally activating theirexpression and thereby enhancing their activities. Analyses of transgenic applecalli demonstrated that MdMYB73 influenced malate accumulation and vacuolar pH.Furthermore, MdCIbHLH1 interacted with MdMYB73 and enhanced its activity upondownstream target genes. These findings help to elucidate how MdMYB73 directlymodulates the vacuolar transport system to affect malate accumulation andvacuolar pH in apple.



5PLANT PHYSIOLOGY:遗传所焦雨玲使用转录组学的方法,鉴定了影响小麦spike结构的调控因子


The architecture of wheat (Triticum aestivum)inflorescence and its complexity is among the most important agronomic traitsthat influence yield. For example, wheat spikes vary considerably in the numberof spikelets, which are specialized reproductive branches, and the number offlorets, which are spikelet branches that produce seeds. The large andrepetitive nature of the three homologous and highly similar subgenomes ofwheat has impeded attempts at using genetic approaches to uncover beneficial allelesthat can be utilized for yield improvement. Using a population-associativetranscriptomic approach, we analyzed the transcriptomes of developing spikes in90 wheat lines comprising 74 landrace and 16 elite varieties and correlatedexpression with variations in spike complexity traits. In combination withcoexpression network analysis, we inferred the identities of genes related tospike complexity. Importantly, further experimental studies identifiedregulatory genes whose expression is associated with and influences spikecomplexity. The associative transcriptomic approach utilized in this studyallows rapid identification of the genetic basis of important agronomic traitsin crops with complex genomes.





6NEW PHYTOLOGIST:德国明斯特大学H€olzel等人揭示定量叶肉参数而不是全叶性状预测C3草原植物对干旱的响应


We studied the impact of aridity on leaf and mesophyll traits in dominant and very abundant plant species of Eurasian steppe plant communities. We covered a 500-km latitudinal gradient across three vegetation zones in the Volga region of southern European Russia.Whole-leaf traits, volumetric fractions of leaf tissues, quantitative parameters of photosynthetic cells and chloroplasts, and chlorophyll, carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) contents were analyzed and related to plant functional type (PFT), type of mesophyll anatomy, phylogeny and climate aridity.The proportions of prevailing PFTs in the communities, such as C3 monocots, C3 dicots with dorsiventral and isopalisade anatomy and C4 dicots, changed with increasing aridity which influenced the whole-leaf parameters and tissue composition in the leaf. Leaf mass per unit area and leaf thickness slightly increased along the aridity gradient, but the most significant changes were observed in the mesophyll. Mesophyll cell surface area, chloroplast number and chloroplast surface area per unit leaf area were higher in C3 plants growing in the desert steppe compared with those of the forest steppe, while chlorophyll content per single chloroplast and per unit N content as well chlorophyll a/b ratio decreased.Our results identify a suite of mesophyll traits as a typical ‘syndrome’ of increasingly drought-adapted steppe plants.



7Plant Biotech J:英国科伦坡大学Dunwell等人发表咖啡树的最新研究进展述的综述


Theobroma cacao – The Food of the Gods, provides the raw material for the multi-billion dollar chocolate industry, and is also the main source of income for about 6 million smallholders around the world. Additionally, cocoa beans have a number of other non-food uses in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. Specifically, the potential health benefits of cocoa have received increasing attention as it is rich in polyphenols, particularly flavonoids. At present, the demand for cocoa and cocoa-based products in Asia is growing particularly rapidly and chocolate manufacturers are increasing investment in this region. However, in many Asian countries, cocoa production is hampered due to many reasons including technological, political and socio-economic issues. This review provides an overview of the present status of global cocoa production and recent advances in biotechnological applications for cacao improvement, with special emphasis on genetics/genomics, in vitro embryogenesis and genetic transformation. In addition, in order to obtain an insight into the latest innovations in the commercial sector, a survey was conducted on granted patents relating to T. cacao biotechnology.



8Plant Cell &Environ:德国乌尔姆大学Jansen等人揭示脉管直径与木本被子植物的轴向实质的数量和空间排列有关


Parenchyma represents a critically important living tissue in the sapwood of the secondary xylem of woody angiosperms. Considering various interactions between parenchyma and water transporting vessels, we hypothesise a structure-function relationship between both cell types. Through a generalised additive mixed model approach based on 2,332 woody angiosperm species derived from the literature, we explored the relationship between the proportion and spatial distribution of ray and axial parenchyma and vessel size, while controlling for maximum plant height and a range of climatic factors. When factoring in maximum plant height, we found that with increasing mean annual temperatures mean vessel diameter showed a positive correlation with axial parenchyma proportion and arrangement, but not for ray parenchyma. Species with a high axial parenchyma tissue fraction tend to have wide vessels, with most of the parenchyma packed around vessels, while species with small diameter vessels show a reduced amount of axial parenchyma that is not directly connected to vessels. This finding provides evidence for independent functions of axial parenchyma and ray parenchyma in large vesselled species and further supports a strong role for axial parenchyma in long distance xylem water transport.














Nature Materials|中山大学及加州大学联手开发癌症诊疗新方法(推荐)

Nature Biotechnology|小米(珍珠粟)的基因组草图揭示其恶劣环境生存的机制(重磅推荐)



重磅推荐|Nature Genetics揭示DNA折叠成染色质的新机制








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