
“沈忱 1980年代抽象水墨”即将开幕 | 今格空间 GINKGO SPACE

沈忱 1980年代抽象水墨





今格空间荣幸地宣布,艺术家沈忱的个展“沈忱 1980年代抽象水墨”将于2018年11月3日正式开幕。此次展览是艺术家第二次在今格空间举办个展,届时将呈现他在上世纪八十年代的十余件水墨及拼贴作品。









Shen Chen Exhibition, China National Museum of Art, March, 1988 

Shen Chen Abstract Ink Paintings

Curator:Zhu Qi

Opening:5pm,  November 3rd, 2018 (Saturday)

Gallery Talk:4-5pm,  November 3rd, 2018 

Exhibition Period: 

November 3rd - December 22, 2018

Gingko Space is delighted to announce Shen Chen’s solo exhibition, “Shen Chen Abstract Ink Paintings”, opening on November 3rd,2018. It is the artist's second exhibition at Ginkgo Space.he will present more than ten ink paintings and collages from the 1980s.


In 1982, Shen Chen began to explore abstraction in the medium of ink painting,where he ink washed the rice paper as it’s done in conventional Chinese paintings to create the texture of abstraction. In addition, he mixed gouache material into the ink and water. In the following year, he gradually established an experimental ink painting style that could be construed asminimal and abstract art. It was synonymous to a calligraphic minimalism, where only leveled and vertical, or spiraling semi-circles brush strokes were paintedon, otherwise largely left blank, paper. These marks were scattered sparsely on the image, shifted the void and calligraphic component of Chinese painting towards a modernist style.


From the late 1970s to the early 1980s, the process of modernization that was temporarily paused was restored. Since the early Republican era to the mid-1970s, Wu Dayu has gradually defined this practice as the oriental modernism. Being at the center of the modernist enlightenment at the Shanghai Theatre Academy, and invigorated by the atmosphere of restoring the progress of modernization, Shen Chen and other artists of the new generation attempted to push this progress towards a more authentic abstraction. On the one hand,  abstraction done in the medium of oil painting was gradually shaping into a group, while Shen Chen remained the only artistheading down the path of abstract ink painting.

For Shen Chen, the key in practicing abstraction through experimental ink painting was to first extract the brushwork from the calligraphic gestures of writing characters and transforms them into formal elements that do not embody any significance,while the brushworks constitute a combination of lines, which then becomes akind of elemental abstraction. Furthermore, Shen Chen allowed the empty spacein traditional Chinese painting to become a formal aesthetics on the structurein terms of composition. Rather than claiming, the empty space that is left “blank”, his works did not necessarily represent the natural phenomenon in two-dimensional space, but the structural or divided space visualized through the linear structures where empty space was generated. The cursive lines are the connections that bring the empty spaces together. Formally speaking, Shen Chen redefined the empty spaces on the two-dimensional surface.

(The article‘Shen Chen: Ink Modernism during 1980’s ’is by the critic and curator Zhu Qi.)

About Artist

Born in China in 1955, Shen Chen is a New York based artist. He began his art education in high school and continued his training at Shanghai Art College(previously known as the Shanghai “5.7” Art School).  Hemoved to Beijing after earning his BFA from the Shanghai Theater Academy in 1982. In 1988, he came to the United States on a fellowship as artist in residence at the Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture. Later that year, he moved to New York upon receiving an exchange student fellowship from the Studio School of Painting and Sculpture. He continued his studies at Boston Universityon an MFA scholarship the following year. He has lived in New York since1991. 


In the 1980s, Shen Chen was one of China’s pioneers of Chinese abstract painting and experimental ink painting. He was an active member of “Art Salon” (an underground art movement). In 1978, he organized an experimental exhibition “Wild Rose” while he was still in college. Since then, he has shown his works at various art museums, including the Shanghai Art Museum and Ningbo Museum of Art. He held his first solo show in 1984 at the China Journalist Society in Beijing, collaborating with galleries in Asia, Europe and America, and has continued showing his work in China and abroad at venues including the National Art Museum of China (NAMOC), Roma Academy of Fine Arts, Today Art Museum, Nantong Museum of Art, San Shang Museum of Contemporary Art, Shanghai University Museum, Queens Museum of Art, Zhendai Museum of Modern Art, Hexiangning Museum of Contemporary Art, Xi Hu Art Museum, Doulun Museum of Modern Art, Museum of Chinese in America, Ming Yuan Museum of Art, Epoch Art Museum, Yuan Art Museum, Himalaya Museum of Art, Singer Museum of Art, Bochum Museum, Kunsthalle Recklinghausen, Museum Hurrle Durbachand ME Collection Berlin…



今格空间《沈忱 SHEN CHEN》画册出版


沈忱参加德国波鸿美术馆 Art Museum Bochum 群展 BILD MACHT RELIGION


Founded in 2014 Beijing, as an art gallery whose vision focuses on the ecosystem of Asia contemporary art, Ginkgo Space's mission is to provide active support to artists’ processes of developing and gaining greater perspectives on their artistic practices. With our collaboration, we hope to build the artist’s reputation and widen their international recognition. Our exhibition program is aimed at exploring and discovering the artistic practices that define our cultural identity, through which we are committed to setting up platforms for profound dialogues between the artists, critics, curators, and audiences of contemporary art.



For more information,  please contact us:

 +86 10 5762 6135



Instagram: ginkgospace

开放时间  11:00-18:00 周二至周六(Tues-Sat)

北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路4号院 798艺术区65幢

Address  #65, 798 Art District, No.4 Jiuxianqiao Rd., Chaoyang Dst., 100015, Beijing, China

