

2017-10-22 iNature iNature

iNature:在植物学主流专刊中,主要有Plant Cell,Molecular Plant,Plant Journal,PLANT PHYSIOLOGY,NEW PHYTOLOGIST,Plant Biotech J,Plant Cell &Environ,Nature Plants等8种期刊。现在经过前期的测试,iNature决定每天遴选8大植物学主刊各1篇(福利版),共8篇文章,推送给大家,使大家能及时地了解植物学领域的动态:

Plant Cell:加州大学戴维斯分校Kliebenstein等人揭示植物利用主要的防御激素途径来缓冲疾病抗性,但不是对病原体内遗传变异的代谢或转录反应;

Nature Plants:英国西部大学崔玉海等人发现在拟南芥中胞质乙酰辅酶A促进组蛋白H3K27乙酰化;

Molecular Plant:华中农业大学殷平等人揭示拟南芥GPP结合蛋白NUDX1识别底物的分子机制;

Plant Journal:韩国明治大学Choi等人揭示拟南芥Pumilio家族的蛋白APUM24,是胚胎发生必不可少的,其作用是用于忠实的前体rRNA加工;

PLANT PHYSIOLOGY:西班牙巴塞罗那大学Bosch等人揭示在光氧化胁迫下,叶,花和果实的应答作用;

NEW PHYTOLOGIST:葡萄牙查尔斯大学Kindlmann等人揭示世界各个岛屿中,兰花物种多样性的决定因素;

Plant Biotech J:河南农业大学张雪海等人使用GWAS方法去解析玉米中砷积累的影响因子;

Plant Cell &Environ:堪萨斯州立大学Prasad等人揭示高粱花粉和雌蕊对高温胁迫的敏感性。

1Plant Cell:加州大学戴维斯分校Kliebenstein等人揭示植物利用主要的防御激素途径来缓冲疾病抗性,但不是对病原体内遗传变异的代谢或转录反应


To respond to pathogen attack, selection and associated evolution has led to the creation of plant immune system that are a highly effective and inducible defense system. Central to this system are the plant defense hormones jasmonic acid (JA) and salicylic acid (SA) and crosstalk between the two, which may play an important role in defense responses to specific pathogens or even genotypes. Here, we used the Arabidopsis-B. cinerea pathosystem to test how the host's defense system functions against genetic variation in a pathogen. We measured defense-related phenotypes and transcriptomic responses in Arabidopsis wild-type Col-0 and JA- and SA-signaling mutants, coi1-1 and npr1-1, individually challenged with 96 diverse B. cinerea isolates. Those data showed genetic variation in the pathogen influences on all components within the plant defense system at the transcriptional level. We identified four gene co-expression networks and two vectors of defense variation triggered by genetic variation in B. cinerea. This showed that the JA and SA signaling pathways functioned to constrain/canalize the range of virulence in the pathogen population, but the underlying transcriptomic response was highly plastic. These data showed that plants utilize major defense hormone pathways to buffer disease resistance, but not the metabolic or transcriptional responses to genetic variation within a pathogen.



2Nature Plants:英国西部大学崔玉海等人发现在拟南芥中胞质乙酰辅酶A促进组蛋白H3K27乙酰化


Acetyl-coenzyme A (acetyl-CoA) is a central metabolite and the acetyl source for protein acetylation, particularly histone acetylation that promotes gene expression. However, the effect of acetyl-CoA levels on histone acetylation status in plants remains unknown. Here, we show that malfunctioned cytosolic acetyl-CoA carboxylase1 (ACC1) in Arabidopsis leads to elevated levels of acetyl-CoA and promotes histone hyperacetylation predominantly at lysine 27 of histone H3 (H3K27). The increase of H3K27 acetylation (H3K27ac) is dependent on adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-citrate lyase which cleaves citrate to acetyl-CoA in the cytoplasm, and requires histone acetyltransferase GCN5. A comprehensive analysis of the transcriptome and metabolome in combination with the genome-wide H3K27ac profiles of acc1 mutants demonstrate the dynamic changes in H3K27ac, gene transcripts and metabolites occurring in the cell by the increased levels of acetyl-CoA. This study suggests that H3K27ac is an important link between cytosolic acetyl-CoA level and gene expression in response to the dynamic metabolic environments in plants.



3Molecular Plant:华中农业大学殷平等人揭示拟南芥GPP结合蛋白NUDX1识别底物的分子机制


In plants, monoterpenes are a large family of volatiles that play essential roles in communicating with the surrounding environment, including pollinator attraction, pathogens defense and plant-plant interactions. Dozens of monoterpene derivatives have been widely applied in the pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, flavor and fragrance industries. Because of their high economic relevance, the biosynthesis of monoterpenes has been thoroughly studied . Typically, such biosynthesis reactions are performed by various monoterpene synthases, which convert the 10-carbon prenyl diphosphate (usually geranyl pyrophosphate (GPP)) into a large range of products . A common carbocationic reaction mechanism for all monoterpene synthases starts with the ionization of GPP through the removal of the pyrophosphate group, resulting in a carbocation intermediate that can undergo cyclization, hydride shifts or other rearrangements.



4Plant Journal:韩国明治大学Choi等人揭示拟南芥Pumilio家族的蛋白APUM24,是胚胎发生必不可少的,其作用是用于忠实的前体rRNA加工


Pumilio RNA-binding proteins are largely involved in mRNA degradation and translation repression. However, a few evolutionarily divergent Pumilios are also responsible for proper pre-rRNA processing in human and yeast. Here, we describe an essential Arabidopsis nucleolar Pumilio, APUM24, that is expressed in tissues undergoing rapid proliferation and cell division. A T-DNA insertion for APUM24 did not affect the male and female gametogenesis, but instead resulted in a negative female gametophytic effect on zygotic cell division immediately after fertilization. Additionally, the mutant embryos displayed defects in cell patterning from proembryo through globular stages. The mutant embryos were marked by altered auxin maxima, which were substantiated by the mislocalization of PIN1 and PIN7 transporters in the defective embryos. Homozygous apum24 callus accumulates rRNA processing intermediates, including uridylated and adenylated 5.8S and 25S rRNA precursors. An RNA-protein interaction assay showed that the histidine-tagged recombinant APUM24 binds RNA in vitro with no apparent specificity. Overall, our results demonstrated that APUM24 is required for rRNA processing and early embryogenesis in Arabidopsis.



5PLANT PHYSIOLOGY:西班牙巴塞罗那大学Bosch等人揭示在光氧化胁迫下,叶,花和果实的应答作用


Photo-oxidative stress plays a crucial role in organ growth and development, with some similarities but also important differences in the development of leaves, flowers and  fruits.



6NEW PHYTOLOGIST:葡萄牙查尔斯大学Kindlmann等人揭示世界各个岛屿中,兰花物种多样性的决定因素


Area and altitude of the highest peak are significantly positively correlated with the number of orchid species present on an island. Significance of latitude not surprisingly disappears when the latitudinal extent of an archipelago is small. We show that the best multivariate model for prediction of orchid species richness is the classical species–area relationship combined with linear dependence of the log number of species on altitude of the highest peak and latitude.



7Plant Biotech J:河南农业大学张雪海等人使用GWAS方法去解析玉米中砷积累的影响因子


Understanding the mechanism of arsenic (As) accumulation in plants is important in reducing As's toxicity to plants and its potential risks to human health. Here, we performed a genome-wide association study to dissect the genetic basis of the As contents of different maize tissues in Xixian, which was irrigated with As-rich surface water, and Changge using an association population consisting of 230 representative inbred maize lines. Phenotypic data revealed a wide normal distribution and high repeatability for the As contents in maize tissues. The As concentrations in maize tissues followed the same trend in the two locations: kernels < axes < stems < bracts < leaves. In total, 15, 16 and 15 non-redundant quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with As concentrations were identified (p < 2.04 × 10−6) in five tissues from Xixian, Changge and the combination of the locations, respectively, explaining 9.70% to 24.65% of the phenotypic variation for each QTL, on average. Additionally, four QTLs [involving 15 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)], were detected in the single and the combined locations, indicating that these loci/SNPs might be stable across different environments. The candidate genes associated with these four loci were predicted. In addition, four non-redundant QTLs (6 SNPs), including a QTL that was detected in multiple locations according to the genome-wide association study, were found to co-localize with four previously reported QTL intervals. These results are valuable to understand the genetic architecture of As mechanism in maize and facilitate the genetic improvement of varieties without As toxicity.



8Plant Cell &Environ:堪萨斯州立大学Prasad等人揭示高粱花粉和雌蕊对高温胁迫的敏感性


High temperature (HT) decreases seed-set percentage in sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench]. The relative sensitivity of pollen and particularly pistil and the mechanistic response that induces tolerance or susceptibility to HT is not well known and hence is the major objective of this research. The male sterile (ATx399) and fertile (RTx430) lines were exposed to 30/20 °C (optimum temperature; OT), 36/26 °C (HT1) and 39/29 °C (HT2) from the start of booting to seed-set in a controlled environment. Similarly, in the field, HT stress was imposed using heat tents. HT stress decreased pollen germination. Relatively high levels of reactive oxygen species, and decreased antioxidant enzyme activity and phospholipid unsaturation were observed in pollen compared to pistil under HT. The severe cell organelle damage was observed in pollen and pistil at 36/26 and 39/29 °C, respectively. The seed-set percentage was higher in HT stressed pistil pollinated with OT pollen. Direct and reciprocal crosses indicate that pollen was relatively more sensitive with larger decreases in seed-set percentage than pistil under HT stress. The negative impact was greater in pollen than pistil at relatively lower temperatures. Overall, pollen was relatively more sensitive than pistil to HT stress because it is more susceptible to oxidative damage than pistil.






Developmental Cell|美国科学院院士朱健康阐述冷胁迫新机制








Nature Materials|中山大学及加州大学联手开发癌症诊疗新方法(推荐)

Nature Biotechnology|小米(珍珠粟)的基因组草图揭示其恶劣环境生存的机制(重磅推荐)



重磅推荐|Nature Genetics揭示DNA折叠成染色质的新机制



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