
Legislative Updates(4.10-4.16)| 法宝双语新闻




1.Management Standards Issued for Asymptomatic COVID-19 Cases

2.MPS to Severely Crack Down on Crimes of Cross-Border Gambling and Telecommunication Network-related Fraud


3.CBIRC Proposes Measures for Conducting Regulatory Evaluation of the Financial Services of Commercial Banks for Micro and Small-Sized Enterprises 


4.MPS Revises Provisions on the Procedures for Handling Violations of Road Traffic Safety



1.Management Standards Issued for Asymptomatic COVID-19 Cases


On 8 April, 2020, the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council issued the Management Standards for Asymptomatic COVID-19 Cases, effective from the date of issuance.


According to the Management Standards, intensified efforts should be made to screen and discover asymptomatic cases. Asymptomatic cases should undergo 14-day concentrated medical observation. Those who show symptoms of COVID-19 during the period of quarantine should be converted to confirmed cases. Asymptomatic carriers can only be released from quarantine upon two consecutive negative nucleic acid test results after passing the 14-day concentrated medical observation, with a sampling interval of no less than 24 hours. Asymptomatic cases with positive nucleic acid test results should continue to undergo concentrated medical observation. Close contacts of asymptomatic cases should also undergo 14-day concentrated medical observation. Experts should visit asymptomatic cases under concentrated medical observation to find potential COVID-19 cases in a timely manner.


2.MPS to Severely Crack Down on Crimes of Cross-Border Gambling and Telecommunication Network-related Fraud


On April 9, the Ministry of Public Security (MPS) issued the Announcement Regarding Severe Crackdown on Crimes of Cross-Border Gambling and Telecommunication Network-related Fraud During the COVID-19 Epidemic.


The Announcement sets out that anyone who commits the crimes of cross-border gambling and telecommunications network-related fraud at home and abroad, teaches criminals the methods of committing crimes, or provides network technical support, fund payment and settlement or other help will be severely punished according to the law.


The Announcement makes it clear that if a person knows that he has been infected or may be infected with COVID-19, but still enters or leaves the frontier (border) or crosses the frontier (border), thus resulting in transmission of the virus or serious danger of transmission, public security organs will place the case on file for concurrent investigation based on the fact that the person is suspected of being involved in the crimes of endangering public security, impairing the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases and disturbing frontier health and quarantine.



3.CBIRC Proposes Measures for Conducting Regulatory Evaluation of the Financial Services of Commercial Banks for Micro and Small-Sized Enterprises 


On April 9, 2020, the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission (‘CBIRC’) released the Measures for Conducting Regulatory Evaluation of the Financial Services of Commercial Banks for Micro and Small-Sized Enterprises (for Trial Implementation) (Exposure Draft), and comments may be submitted until May 9, 2020. 


First, the Measures clarify the content of evaluation and set forth standardized indicators. Regulatory authorities should comprehensively evaluate commercial banks according to their performance in credit extension to micro and small-sized enterprises, the building of an institutional mechanism, implementation of key regulatory policies, product and service innovation, as well as supervision and inspection, among others. They should also specify the concrete indicators, grading rules, and levels of evaluation results. Second, the Measures specify the evaluation mechanisms and standardize the methods and process of organization. Under the principles of orienting legal persons and making concerted efforts at upper and lower levels, regulatory authorities should establish organizational mechanisms for regulatory evaluation, and conduct evaluation on an annual basis. Evaluation involves sectors such as self-evaluation of banks, collection of regulatory information, preliminary regulatory evaluation, regulatory review, notification of evaluation results, and collection of archives, and each of these evaluation sectors is designed with specific responsibilities and work requirements. Third, regulatory authorities should promote the application of evaluation results to fully utilize their role in encouragement and guidance. In addition to clarifying the methods of applying evaluation results, the Measures highlight the coordinated implementation with relevant policies and measures, and strengthen the guiding role of the regulatory evaluation results in facilitating commercial banks to enhance their financial services for micro and small-sized enterprises.



4.MPS Revises Provisions on the Procedures for Handling Violations of Road Traffic Safety


Recently, the Ministry of Public Security revised the Provisions on the Procedures for Handling Violations of Road Traffic Safety, effective from May 1, 2020.


The Provisions mainly revise six aspects: The first aspect regards cross-provincial handling of off-site traffic offences by traffic offenders. The second aspect regards further specification of the requirements for notification of traffic offence information. The third aspect regards the addition of procedures for electronic service and service by public announcement. The fourth aspect regards improvement of the procedures for handling traffic offences. The fifth aspect regards stipulation of an information transfer system. The sixth aspect regards the addition of provisions regarding reporting traffic offences.



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